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Friday, November 30, 2007

A Rewarding Career

Greetings to all who wander thru my Blog !!

I am working on a case that is very rewarding ... without divulging any privileged or confidential information ... I will say, it is a case of a young woman (College Student) who found herself in a situation where she was being battered by her 'boyfriend' .... the family requested that I step in and Coach the young woman ...

I am happy to say, she is out of the abusive relationship and on her way towards happiness and a healthy and positive outlook on personal relationships .....

This is the most rewarding aspect of my Life Coaching career .... as a former victim of domestic violence, it does my heart and soul good to know that I, even in some small way, can help other's in a battered situation. The increase in violence directed at young women, by young men is alarming and disturbing.

Have a peaceful and rewarding day,

Kimberley, President

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